
Millicent Golding


Millicent Golding will attend Scripps College in Claremont, CA beginning in the Fall and plans to major in the intercollegiate Media Studies program.


Courtney Cook


Courtney Cook's article 10 Semester Schools That High School Students Should Consider including mention of Oxbow was published in the March 1, 2015 issue of Make It Better an online Chicago community publication.

"Semester schools are a unique experience that can be enjoyed by students of all personality types and from all types of schooling environments. The one common theme among students that attend semester schools is that they are academically curious and willing to invest themselves in the experience they are embarking on."- Courtney Cook


Brooks Saucedo-McQuade


Pajaro, may represent a condor, 443' in length

Brook Saucedo-McQuade just spent ten-weeks on a sojourn through Peru including an aerial tour of the Nasca Lines.


YeaRim Oh


YeaRim Oh will graduate with a BA in Sculpture and Graphic Design from Gordon College in Massachusetts this Spring.


Audrey Snyder



"The newly commissioned work for Left Coast, titled PROVISIONING, brings together Futurefarmers founder, Amy Franceschini (b. 1970) with Audrey Snyder and Joe Riley. Audrey Snyder first hailed to Futurefarmers in 2006 from Oxbow School in the Napa Valley of California. Audrey has woven in and out of Futurefarmers projects'Soil Kitchen, Soul Sermons and Tree University. Audrey's deep interest in food systems manifests in the palate through hyper local menus and work with small farms. Joe Riley is a sea worthy artist and activist involved in the long struggle for (truly) public education. This triad has assembled for CUNY with an aligned interest in the seafaring journey as a collective departure into the sea of the unknown."

A School Like No Other
