
Nora Rodriguez



Nora Rodriguez was a Visiting Artist at Cow House Studios in Ireland this summer. She lived on a working family farm, worked with young people, and made work in a unique environment. To see more of Nora’s work click on the Cowhouse link above.


Sarah Delong


Sarah DeLong is attending Beloit College, she's taking a sculpture class this semester and continues to run cross-country. She spent a month in Ghana in June working in an orphanage and creating a mural with the children. She's interested in using art to drive social change.


Nicole Saenz


Nicole Saenz having spent a semester in Buenos Aires graduated with a degree in Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz. She is spending this year working and volunteering in health clinics around Sacramento until next year, when she hopes to receive her Post-Baccalaureate certificate in health and then go on to medical school.


Lucia Ippolito



Lucia Ippolito is working on a new project in San Francisco called the "Missions Makeover Mural" and since May of this year has been painting the mural in the Mission District's Balmy Alley. It is a public art project that she's designed and created right outside her house with help from family and volunteers. She launched a Kickstarter campaign online to help raise funds and to get the word out. She appreciates all comments about the work or memories of Balmy Alley

A School Like No Other
