
Naomi Binzen


Naomi Binzen graduated from Prescott College last May with a concentration in Cultural and Regional Studies. Her senior project was a series of "BMosiacs" about Monsamto done is seeds. She'll spend three months this summer interning and doing leadership training on an organic fam in Patagonia, Arizona.


YeaRim Oh


YeaRim Oh is currently attending Gordan College in Wenham, Washington with a major in Art and minor in French.


Caroline Woolard


Caroline Woolard is teaching a class about barter at The New School. For her latest video of live/work/philosophy go to http://vimeo.com/31042328. She is also is co-founder of Trade School and will represent them for smART power in Delhi, India. Trade School is a non-traditional learning environment that runs on barter. Anyone can teach a class, and students sign up for classes by agreeing to meet the barter requests of teachers. Now in its third year, Trade School celebrates practical wisdom, mutual respect, and the social nature of exchange. Trade School classes range from weaving and grant writing to ghost hunting and balloon animals, and teachers have asked for everything from research and advice to vegetables.


Larz Kazakoff


Larz Kazakoff transfered to an independant study program after Oxbow but due to the subjects he began to study and other eye-opening experiences, he made a conscious choice to drop out and is no longer involved in any school other than life. After more than a year of backpacking, hitchiking, train hopping, and traveling the states, he now lives and work-trades at the foot of Mt. Shasta and is involved with a group that is starting a work-trade farm on the coast of Northern California.


Nina Palomba


Nina Palomba is in her junior year at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). She is embarking on the journey of arts education and is in the midst of studying for the exam to enter into the department and plans on graduating with a BFAAE. She wants to work with non profits around Chicago that focus on after school art programs for high school students, and teaching them basic concepts of the adobe suite and how to use that in t-shirt and skateboard design. She is releasing her fall/winter collection with Allegiance Skateboard, the entire site is about to undergo a drastic switch to involve much more of the community! Anyone involved will be able to login and post what inspires them, what they have been making, etc. She meets new people nearly everyday through Allegiance, and it has truly been a remarkable journey so far, all from the love of art and skateboarding!


Rose Buchberg


Rose Bushberg is enrolled at CSU Monterey Bay with a major in Japanese Language and Culture but is currently in Tokyo studying at Waseda University. This past summer she completed an internship at a prestigious Japanese advertising agency called Dentsu where she worked in production and creative departments. She's working towards a career in Japanese creative advertising, mainly with television.

A School Like No Other
