Brent Turner formerly with Oxbow IT, just accomplished a major life ambition by being accepted by Doctors without Borders.
Brent Turner formerly with Oxbow IT, just accomplished a major life ambition by being accepted by Doctors without Borders.
The Oxbow School has both a local and national reputation for excellence. Oxbow produces great artists. In its studio, these emerging artists have a community of creative peers who respect one another and foster an expectation to produce thoughtful, sophisticated work.
— Paul Coffey, Vice Provost and Dean of Community Engagement, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Oxbow forced me to create, and by creating, I established foundation for my thought.
— Jamie Roux, Spring 2003
Artistically, I learned a lot of new techniques and mediums while here. I had access to much more than before and I made the most of it. I tried everything I could and always talked to my teachers and peers about new ways I could make art. Every so often, I completely stepped out of my comfort zone. Experimenting with technique and testing my artistic boundaries has helped me realize how many paths I have to choose from in the art world and that makes me excited for the future.
— Macy Manning, Fall 2023
A School Like No Other