Liz Reisen and Ellie Stone are attending Skidmore College in New York. Yes, they are roommates!
Liz Reisen and Ellie Stone are attending Skidmore College in New York. Yes, they are roommates!
At Oxbow, the eye and the hand are inseparable from the mind and because their peers are also artists, students adopt fresh attitudes toward their work.
— Charles Altieri, Rachel Anderson Stageberg Chair, Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley
I learned to drop all previous assumptions I had about people because I had never met anyone like the other students at Oxbow. For the first time, my peers and their insightful thinking inspired me. For example, during the ‘Einstein’s Dreams’ presentations, I kept looking around the room thinking, I can’t believe all of these students are talking the way I think.
— Sara DeLong, Spring 2010
If at any point Oxbow doubts the good it does, I just want to reassure you all that you’re changing the lives of young artists every semester.
— Colin Davis, Fall 2009
A School Like No Other