Phoebe Dubisch is currently mentoring in Medical Illustration with Barrow Neurological Institute. She is working with Medical App Developer, Liza Knipscher, to build informational apps and games; as well as observing other illustrators and 3D modelers. She has also been preparing for the start of the Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics (YSPA) being held at the Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium where she will be spending the month of July at Yale University modeling extragalactic supernova explosions. At the moment, Phoebe is in Spokane, Washington for the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly to present her Radically Inclusive Pathway to Membership, a deeper and more accessible model for the future membership in Unitarian Universalist Congregations everywhere. In her little spare time, she has been learning two different coding languages and completing art commissions for those who have donated to her GoFundMe that supports her YSPA fees.

Phoebe Dubisch