Sabrina Chaffee attends the University of Denver in Colorado.
Kirstin Munro
Kirstin Munro is starting a new job as Assistant Professor of Economics at St. John's University in Queens this fall. She has articles coming out later this year in the journals Energy Research and Social Science and the Review of Radical Political Economics about maternal environmental advocacy organizations and the so-called artisan economy.
Mayellen Matson
Mayellen Matson lives in Vermont and is a Videographer at Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Mayellen makes her own short films independently and for local film competitions. She is attending a summer-long cinematography intensive at Maine Media Workshops & College in Rockport, Maine. You can view films on her Vimeo page and check out her website to see her work in multiple mediums.

Piero Spadaro
Ezri Horne
Ezri Horne will attend School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University through their combined degree program in the fall.