Henry Nahurski spent his first year of college at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and then transferred to the University of Minnesota: College of Design where he is pursuing a BFA in Graphic Design with a second major in Fine Art. To see some of his work, visit his portfolio at: www.henrynahurski.com.
Alexandria Vasquez
Alexandria Vasquez is currently working on her Masters' of Science degree in Sociology at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Ali Sandoval
Naomi Binzen
Naomi Binzen - Graduated from Prescott College with a degree in Cultural and Regional Studies and a minor in Arts and Letters. She is currently gardening and exploring all the possibilities life holds.
Miriam Dubinsky
Miriam Dubinsky is having a great time at School of the Art Institute of Chicago and continually runs into students from Oxbow!
Gitanjali Castalian
Aletheia (Gita) Castalian is having a show titled "Live Loud" at Bucci's Restaurant in Emeryville October 15th through November 11th. The opening reception is on Wednesday, October 19th from 4-7pm with snacks and drinks. Save the date!
Gita says more information to come as it gets closer and thanks all! To see more of Gita's work go to www.castallianphotography.com.
Peter Linden
Peter Linden was selected by Pratt as one of the nation's 12 student fellows to attend the other "Ox-Bow" in Saugatuck, MI.