James Roux is living in New York City, working in a gallery that specializes in Japanese wood block prints and also as an intern/artist assistant in Mickalene Thomas' studio. He's worked in the art department on various commercials and television shows. He sees fellow alum Tyler Putnam all the time and occasionally Lucy Cottrell. James' little brother will be attending Oxbow in the Spring of 2012!
Renel Sun
Renel Sun traveled to Hong Kong after completing her high school graduation requirements in January. She returned to a full-time internship at IDEO that will last through the summer. Besides work, she's sewing, painting, and making cakes. You can see some of her work www.renelsunart.tumblr.com. She begins college in the Fall at New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
Luke Watson
Luke Watson just graduated high school and is attending Pratt in the Fall 2011!
Thomas Puhl
Thomas Puhl - Hey all, I just got out of basic military triaining in technical training on my way to the operational air force...falling in the families foot steps working on my art degree through the government.
Zac Brenner
Zac Brenner - I'm currently working on monotypes and paintings for an art show I'm organizing in the spring. I'm headed to Chicago to visit Oxbow alums Will, Luke, Andrea, Jasmine, Clare and Katie. Currently looking for a job to save for travel this summer and possibly next year. I plan to spend my spring break with Will and Clare in Portland, making art and making fun. The hurricane of college applications has passed and I'll be spending more time outdoors!
Mia Weiner
Mia Weiner - I'm loving my second year at MICA and am excited for the internship I just got with Nick Cave in Chicago this coming summer. I miss you and hope all is well!
Patricia Rizzo
Patricia Rizzo - I've been accepted to the Architecture program at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. I became more interested in Architecture during the summer of 2010 when I attended Project Link, a summer program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Emma Schwartz
Emma Schwartz - I am a photography major at Parsons and a writing major at Eugene Lang College in New York. I have started using the color dark room, etching with hard ground, and painting. Using color film is exciting. I meet fellow Oxbow alumni all the time.
Henderson Peternell
Henderson Peternell - I am attending The Cooper Union, and am happy to have just moved to East Williamsburg. I've been playing shows with my band, Hairdrum, and am excited about my 4D class. I still can't grow a full beard.
Michelle Areton
Michelle Areton received an MA in art from UCSC. She interned at art galleries in London and New York and has taken classes in gallery design and management. Currently living in NY working with dogs and plans to continue her gallery work and someday wants to own a gallery in NY.