Please join us for a lecture with artist Julia Goodman.
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 4 PM - 5 PM
Location: Via Zoom,
Meeting ID: 844 6685 3283
Passcode: oxbow
Please join us for a lecture with artist Julia Goodman.
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 4 PM - 5 PM
Location: Via Zoom,
Meeting ID: 844 6685 3283
Passcode: oxbow
The Oxbow School has both a local and national reputation for excellence. Oxbow produces great artists. In its studio, these emerging artists have a community of creative peers who respect one another and foster an expectation to produce thoughtful, sophisticated work.
— Paul Coffey, Vice Provost and Dean of Community Engagement, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Advice I would give to future students is to just do it and come to Oxbow and not overthink it because it will most likely (99.9%) be the best decision you have made in your life.
— Malachi Snyder, Spring 2018
At Oxbow, the eye and the hand are inseparable from the mind and because their peers are also artists, students adopt fresh attitudes toward their work.
— Charles Altieri, Rachel Anderson Stageberg Chair, Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley
A School Like No Other